La Maison Ophanage needs a new vehicle!! We have already raised $18,000 and we need a total of $40,000. Please help us transport our kids safely and help our director start his own business by CLICKING HERE to donate to our van fund.
Our current vehicle is running on it’s last legs and is only meant to accommodate 5 people. Taking 9 children to school and trying to get everyone to church in the current vehicle is not safe and is often not possible especially when it breaks down. We’d like to purchase a new 12-passenger van which would allow our director transport the kids safely to and from school, church and other activities. More importantly, with a new van our director would be able to use it to start his own driving business. He plans to drive it as a taxi several times a week to bring in extra money and when we come in with volunteer trips we would be able to hire him to drive us rather than paying that money to someone else.
Every dollar brings us closer to our goal!! A donation in any amount is helpful. Thank you!!!
